Dear Team,
Today, I want to shine a spotlight on the people who are working ceaselessly to support our team in the stores. Not only are they implementing new programs to keep our store team and customers safe, they are making sure that our business is running smoothly every day. This is difficult enough to do under normal circumstances but, during these strange times, they now do it without being able to fly or drive to see your stores. Legends are made of lesser things.
A huge thank you, and shout out, to our team who every day are dealing with additional work caused by COVID-19 -District Managers: Gary Gabriel, who is trialing a new curbside delivery program; Caleb Hill, who has found us a decontamination station for the stores; and Steve Herron, who is overseeing Louisiana, New York, and New Jersey from Detroit; our Operations Specialist: Matt Kelly, who is scoring us hand sanitizer from a distillery in Texas; Terresa Burdick, Director of Training, who is making plexiglass sneeze guards and laminated signs in her home; Wendy Woods, Director of Operations, who is working with our suppliers and the price book; and Perry Kilgo, Chief Operations Officer, who is helping us implement all of our new health and safety initiatives. This is a team that wakes up every day thinking about how to make life better – for our team, our customers, and our clients. We wouldn’t be the professional company that we are today without their help and support.
Keep well.
Roy Strasburger
President, StrasGlobal