I want you to know that your safety is our highest priority and we will stay ahead of the COVID-19 situation. In addition to our executive team, we have put together a task force of five industry experts that are working full time to meet the current challenge. Over the last weeks we have implemented a plan to help us fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Your store has already received:
- Two previous versions of this newsletter letting you know what our company is doing.
- Instructions and posters about washing your hands and keeping your store clean. You must follow these rules.
- Signs to be posted in the store showing where customers must stand to be sure that they keep at least six feet apart following the CDC guidelines for social distancing.
- A call in sheet to let us know when you or a team mate is sick and does not come into work. This allows us to keep track of your status.
In addition to the above:
- We have designated a person to keep up with government programs so that we can let you know what federal, state, and local assistance may be available to you and your family.
- We have limited the number of customers that can be in your store, at one time, to a maximum of five customers for every POS position.
- We have changed the way that we are doing business;
- No self-service food items unless they are in packages.
- No reusable cups can be used in the store.
- Fountain and coffee cups are to be kept behind the counter and given to the customer.
- All indoor seating areas are closed off.
- All food service condiment items must be individually packaged.
- We have ordered plexiglass sneeze guards for all POS locations that will provide a barrier between the CSR and the customer.
- We are ordering masks, gloves, gowns, and sanitizer for all team members at all stores (these have been hard to find but we plan on having them to you soon).
You will continue to see more programs rolled out over the next few days. I will keep you updated as these things happen with this email and through other means.
Lastly, we are still hiring good people. If you know anyone who has recently lost their job, or is looking for one, please have them contact us at our website – www.strasglobal.com – for an initial phone interview or have them come into the store. We want to give them an opportunity and we need their help.
Thank you for all that you do. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your supervisor or reply to this email.
Roy Strasburger
President, StrasGlobal
Email: strangetimes@strasglobal.com