Louisiana Marathon Stations Help Local Shops

GONZALES, La.—Two Marathon gas stations in Louisiana want to sell more local products in response to COVID-19. The c-stores are seeking out local businesses and restaurants to ask if they can sell their products at the Marathon locations, reports Brproud.com.

While gas stations are considered an essential business during this time, StrasGlobal, which manages the Marathon stations, wants to help local businesses like florists, pet stores and cafés sell products while their stores are temporarily closed.

“By selling their food and their products through our stores we hope that we can help them maintain some resemblance of a business they have had in the past,” StrasGlobal President Roy Strasburger said. Strasburger is a former NACS Board member, and as reported in NACS Daily, he recently shared a free COVID-19 Response Plan with retailers.

The Marathon locations enacted a number of measures to keep safety high: Plexiglass guards are now in place at the registers, floor decals share social distance guidelines and only five people are allowed in the store at a time. Employees started wearing masks last week, and the company hopes to begin curbside and home delivery soon.

Not only are these c-stores supporting local businesses, they’re helping the community by hiring employees who have been furloughed or lost their jobs as well.

“It’s amazing working for a company that really cares,” Pecan Grove Marathon Manager Atha Martin said.

April 6, 2020 – Louisiana Marathon Stations Help Local Shops.
NACS Daily, Retrieved from https://www.convenience.org

You can see the TV segment, and accompanying article, here:

Store 1421 Marathon StrasGlobal COVID